We’re a few days away from a full 8 months, but I had a minute on my hands and thought it would be fun to add it up…
Costco Formula: $17/canister = 260 ounces of formula
Diapers: $37.75/222 from Amazon
Month 1:
Diapers: 8 per kid per day = 24/day = 720 diapers = $122.43
Formula: Nursing 2 babies, formula for one, 2 ounces every 3 hours = 16 ounces a day = 480 ounces = $31.38
Month 2:
Diapers: 8 per kid per day = 24/day = 720 diapers = $122.43
Formula: Nursing 2 babies, formula for one, 3 ounces every 3 hours = 24 ounces/day = 720 ounces = $47.08
Month 3:
Diapers: 8 per kid per day = 24/day = 720 diapers = $122.43
Formula: Nursing 2 babies, formula for one, 4 ounces every 3-4 ours = 24 ounces/day = 720 ounces = $47.08
Month 4:
Diapers: 6 per day = 18/day = 540 diapers = $91.82
Formula: 5 ounces every 3 hours during the day = 25 ounces/baby = 75 ounces/day = 2250 ounces = $147.12
Month 5:
Diapers: 6 per day = 18/day = 540 diapers = $91.82
Formula: 7 ounces every 4 hours = 28 ounces/baby = 84 ounces/day = 2520 ounces = $164.77
Month 6:
Diapers: 6 per day = 18/day = 540 diapers = $91.82
Formula: 8 ounces every 4 hours = 32 ounces/baby = 96 ounces/day = 2880 ounces = $188.31
Month 7:
Diapers: 5 per day = 15/day = 450 diapers = $76.52
Formula: 8 ounces every 4 hours = 32 ounces/baby = 96 ounces/day = 2880 ounces = $188.31
Month 8:
Diapers: 5 per day = 15/day = 450 diapers = $76.52
Formula: 8 ounces every 4 hours = 24 ounces/baby = 72 ounces/day = 2160 ounces = $141.23
Sum total: $1751.07
Wow. And we still have 4 months to go!! I’m thinking Organic milk doesn’t seem so expensive anymore!
I’m impressed you use so few diapers! we still use at least 6 or 8 a day.
They sleep through the night which helps, so it’s normally just with feeds during the day and maybe an extra one or two if needed 🙂 I’m pretty sure we probably go through more than that, but it was depressing to see 24-30 diapers a day still! 😉
wow! they cost a lot for one. then times 3, whew! I’m sure it’s not easy but at the same time it is a lot of fun!!! they look so cute , i tell everyone about them.
I can relate to the costs! I have never itemized it like that, probably because we did not want to know ; ). Now that they are off of formula it is a huge cost savings. Diapers will be a big one too….some day. Thanks for linking to Multiples Monday on Capri + 3.
: 0 ) Theresa
Linking up from Multiples Monday. Somehow the costs never go away. I wondered what I would do with all that extra $$ when we got off formula. Now it disappears in matchbox cars & fruit snacks. We have 1 potty trained & 2 working on it & I keep thinking what will I do with all that extra diaper $$. Then I remember, T-ball, dance & all that isn’t too far away. It never ends. However I think it will be much more “rewarding” spending $ on dance lessons & soccer league than diapers & formula. Right?
Congrats to you on successfully BFing 2 part of the way!! Its hard work!