
So I know that I haven’t been on here as much as you would all like me to be lately, and not nearly as much as what we’ve been doing and I have to share. As you can imagine, life with triplets and a 4 year old can be… hectic… at times. But so wonderful at the same time!

Last weekend we went to San Francisco over the holiday and it was amazing. Crazy. And Stressful. But amazing. Vacations with four little ones surely are different than the vacations we used to take with just the two of us, or even with Aiden. Instead of planning tours and excursions from 9am until 9 or 10pm each day, they involve getting up earlier (which is nice – you get to breakfast before the crowds!), meandering through the streets, and just taking a leisurely pace. Little things like a statue are just as interesting as the tour of Alcatraz to a 4 year old, and a parkside lunch with take out from the pier is better than 5 star dining.

But enough about that, at least until I get the pictures off the cameras and on to the computer.

What I really wanted to share is this article:

Joy or “Just wait?”

I read it and thought that I was the only one who found it moving and tear-inducing, until I heard back from other friends. I think we tend to forget. In the midst of day to day life, we get caught up in the “just wait”s and forget about the little things.

Yesterday, Aiden was procrastinating going to bed, and instead brought books out to read to me. At first, it was, I’ll admit, annoying. My 4 year old has found that the way to get out of going to bed is to be cute and adorable and “read” his books to me. And then I thought about it. He saw mommy on the couch, and decided to read her a bedtime story before she went to bed. How darling is that??

And when Valerie is screaming and crying because her brother (the little one, not the big one) stole her favorite toy – the remote – from her, the fact that they are starting to have this dialog between them gets lost in the chaos and noise.

Yesterday Jacen found the toilet paper. Yes, I had to clean up a roll of toilet paper off the floor (all while Jaina tried to escape into our room, and Val once again lost the remote), but the intrigue on his face while the paper just kept coming was priceless.

The water spilt as a kid learns to drink from a cup, the dirt tracked through the house because they discovered how to dig, the drawers of clean clothes that must be refolded because a toddler has learned to empty them… it will all go away some day. And then your child will be driving down the street, on their way to high school, or a first job, or college, and I think I’d prefer to be worrying that they’re going to break an arm falling off a couch than what is going on hundreds of miles away from me. So to all my friends… from someone with triplets and more than her fair share of “UGH” moments where I just wish they’d grow up and stop _____ (fill in the blank here)… remember that some day they really will grow up. And they won’t cuddle on the couch to ready you a story, or cry into your arms when their favorite toy gets stolen by a sibling, or fight over who gets to play with the stopper on the door.

Katie Weatherbee puts it much more eloquently than I in the link above. But remember all the same. “This too shall pass…” But do you really want it to?

Mother’s Day musings

Wow. My 5th mother’s day. Hard to believe. And yet, they keep getting better and better.

You know how some things, the more you do them, the more mundane they become? If you run the same trail 100 times, by the last time you start to not really see what’s around you any more and it becomes just muscle memory. If you drive the same route, you eventually get to the point where you arrive at the destination, and forget having made the right turn or that you had to stop at a red light to get there.

Mother’s day is the complete opposite. The first it’s surreal that you actually get to celebrate it. You find it kind of silly, after all, you’ve only been a mother for maybe a couple months (weeks? days?). The second, you feel a little more deserving. I mean, heck, you survived a whole year. But yet, your child is too small to understand it, or make you a card, or to really celebrate it. Still seems kind of silly.

Dinner out the night before… because 6 people, including 3 highchairs/boosters, is just a bit much to fight the crowds on Mother’s Day proper.

Then they get a bit older. The view changes. You start to realize how much life has changed in the last year. Your now toddler/preschooler might come home from school with a craft they made for you.  Or they don’t, because they didn’t want to (yes, that would be my child who didn’t want to make the bracelet because it wasn’t Mother’s day yet).

And you realize that next year is going to be even better. Because by then, he’ll be able to write his entire name himself. And maybe the craft will be made by him with his own intentions without having to be coerced. Or he’ll still decide not to do it. But either way, it’ll be a choice by a child, not a toddler or an infant.

(Not made by the toddler… This was intricately crafted by a local jeweler, James and Company Jewelry Repair, just for me!)

Aiden picked out his own card this year. It was a beautiful card – pink, with a bouquet of flowers, and it played music. Never mind that it was in Spanish and neither he nor I had any idea what was written or what words were being sung. We tried to talk him into a card that we could read, but I guess in his mind, what’s the difference? He can’t read the English letters either, so why is this card any better or worse than any other? So he got it. And it was beautiful. Even if I don’t have a clue what is written (I’m assuming that in there are the words Happy Mother’s Day, but for all I know it could be a graduation card or a “Congratulations on the New House” card!).

Nevertheless, he had a say in this Mother’s Day celebration. He chose when to open the gift (thanks for choosing the day before, Aiden, you win favorite child for that!). When to open the cards. And maybe next year he’ll pick out the gift himself, and we’ll both be able to read the card, together. Wouldn’t that be something?

Today I’m joining Multiples Monday over at Capri + 3 (You should check out this blog, Theresa’s got a great story!)

multiples monday with capri +3

5/9 – random cuteness

Taking photographs of children can be exhausting (sometimes even more so than raising them is). I honestly don’t know how my photographer friends do it. But, if you take a lot of pictures, which is my method, sometimes you get a gem. And others it’s a bad photo technique-wise, but what it encaptures is such real life that it’s the best photo in the world.

So that said, here’s some daily cuteness for you. And with 4 kids, including 10 month triplets? We have cuteness to spare!

What has happened to time?

I thought time travel hadn’t been invented yet. Boy was I wrong.

Wow, so today we signed up for parents night out here at the daycare on base. You see, this base is AWESOME. They do a FREE drop in night the first night of the month here at the CDC (child daycare center, NOT center for disease control, though the two are easily confused for the other!) and you take your kids (if they get a spot, which is coveted and requires being there within 2 minutes of signups starting) and get a night to go on a date, get groceries, sleep… whatever is more important to you… and they have the kids there with their trained daycare workers. It’s incredible. You only get to use it every other month, and so if you miss a month you HAVE to get in for the next or that’s two months without it.

So part of the trick for us, with triplets, is that we take up 3 of the 8 slots in the infant room. I mean, seriously, how insane is that?? So when signing them up this month we got in just barely (got the last three spots), which will be wonderful for June. And then I realized. This is their last time in the infant room.


My babies will be 1 before the next month’s PNO, and even then we can’t use it again until August anyways. Which means the next PNO they will be in the toddlers room.

How does that happen??

Today I’m joining Multiples Monday over at Capri + 3 (You should check out this blog, Theresa’s got a great story!)

multiples monday with capri +3

What 33 weeks can do…

33 weeks can seem like a lifetime. For the babes, it really is. They have now been “around” for 66 weeks. Half inside, and half out. It’s amazing how much can change it what seems like such a small amount of time in the grand scheme of things.

They can go from 2 cells to 4 pound babies.

The can grow from 4 pound babies to 17 pound rolling, laughing, crying, balls of fun.

33 weeks can feel like a lifetime, but it can also seem like it has disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Happy 33 week birthday little ones. Mommy’s proud of you!


Well, Valerie found her feet tonight. It’s hillarious. She’s sitting in the swing just rubbing them together and kicking with this look on her face that says, “What can I DO with these?!”

Absolutely fascinated.

In other news, Jaina has decided that drinking a bottle is boring and everything else around her is MUCH more interesting, leading me to feeding her in the bedroom with the light off and door closed tonight to get her to finally finish it in time for bed.

It’s always something!

Has it been that long?

Wow, I’m sorry for how long it’s been since I last posted! As you can imagine, the days go fast around here!

Can you believe the babies are 2.5 months old? They are starting to get interactive, which makes it much more fun around here! They are starting to smile (though not on cue, and if I pull out the camera they give me a look that says, “Mom, if I could roll my eyes at you I would!”)

This past weekend, we went to Disney. Yes. We braved Disneyland with a 3.5 year old and 2 month old triplets. Are we crazy? Quite possibly! But it was a lot of fun, and completely worth it to visit with our family who we haven’t seen in almost a year (Steven hadn’t even met his niece yet, so that was well worth any exhaustion!)

An assortment of pictures from the last month follows… enjoy!

Remember the first pic of me holding all 3? Yeah, doesn’t work so well now! Also here, we have our preschooler on his way to school for the first day! We’re blessed with being able to walk him to and from school, which makes my life MUCH easier and allows him to actually go!

Then, there are the Disney pictures. Aiden and his cousin Xavier had a blast, though some of the rides were “Scary” (namely the ones that went into dark tunnels or went too fast). Aiden’s favorite ride was StarTours (the Star Wars ride)… go figure! As such, “he” bought his brother and sisters Potato Heads from there, and each baby got assigned one – Val got Yoda, Jaina got Chewie, and Jacen got C3PO. Don’t dare try to mix them up!

At the bottom we have Jaina showing off her mad push-up skills, and Jacen in the background totally bored with the whole concept. I thought I’d throw in a pic of him in the same outfit he wore 2 months ago on the 4th of July…

Well, I hope you enjoyed, and I’ll work on updating more often!

One Month!

Wow, can you believe it’s been one month since they were born?? Inconceivable!

I hope to get weights on them soon, but for now at last measure they were:
Jacen – 5 lbs 12 oz
Jaina – 5 lbs 6 oz
Val – 5 lbs 5 oz

Our 1 month photo shoot was a riot. Imagine trying to get one baby to sit up and take a picture. Now imagine trying to prop 3 babies against each other. It resulted in several baby pile ups, and Jacen eating Jaina’s head (seeing as how it was dinner time).

And as a tribute to an awesome movie and an even better discussion in the NICU…

There’s no better way to improve spirits than to start quoting “The Princess Bride” late in the evening!