And another one takes off…

I didn’t get the good video of her walking across the room because apparently I turned it off instead of on (mommy duh moment there!) But here is a montage of the newest Val clips 🙂

Val Walking

and some photos just, well, because I think they looked pretty darn cute today!

Jaina running away from me:

This one was actually taken by big brother. The girls had escaped down the hall way to wreck havoc on any room with the door open and I got them to walk back with me. Thankfully the camera was near by and Aiden has become a pretty good photographer!

The eldest daughter thinks she’s a puppy dog and likes to carry things by her mouth. Today’s toy was the circle from the shape sorter. She likes to breath in and out quickly to make a loud breathing sound while doing so.

And big man got his hair trimmed today. The curls were getting so long in the back that the poor boy would wake up with them matted and sweaty. He was a champ and so far is my favorite child to get hair cut on – he sat there and didn’t move. At all. It was heaven compared to taking big brother who acted like I was chopping off a part of his body and scream like he was in excruciating pain. He’s better now. We just have to bribe him. Jacen was just enjoying time pretending he was an only child, I think.

On that note, Jacen got to pretend like he was an only child tonight for an hour. We play that game by taking a child out in public by themselves where we can take the Rav4, load in and out through the door rather than the trunk, and carry him around like a king.

He gave the strangers funny looks as they passed us. I think he was curious why they weren’t assaulting us when it was just me and him and they do when it’s the Hunt Horde walking down the sidewalk…

All about big brother…

Today was big brother’s first day of Pre-K. What does that mean exactly? I’m not really sure. More than preschool, less than Kindergarten, I guess. Here in CA they don’t really have “Pre-K” programs, but we managed to find a really good one surprisingly on base and I’m quite excited about it. Whoever decides to be a teacher to 20+ 4-year olds is a saint, in my opinion. I don’t know how they do it!

On our way to school:

Signing in. They have to write their own names (!). He did surprisingly well!

The only kicker is that we have to walk them in and sign them in too. Hopefully next quarter Steven’s courses will adjust some where he can handle drop off or pick up, but until then I get to load all the kids in and out for drop off and pick up.

Latest and Greatest

Sorry for not posting much recently!! On a daily basis I run out of time and then get overwhelmed by the twenty bajillion things I want to post about, and with no clue where to start I just don’t.

I did however manage to update the site with a page for each kid with their yearly photos (birth, and then each birthday).





Life is fun around here. The babies are getting to be so hillarious. Jaina almost has hair (finally!). Val is still bald. Jacen is my loveable little teddy bear who needs a haircut but I cannot bring myself to get it done.

Recently the babies turned 13 months. How did that happen!?! Here’s the montly photo of me attempting to hold all three. Not sure how much longer we’ll make it!

The babies pull up like champs now, and *can* walk with assistance (but normally don’t want to). Val will let go of the couch/chair/etc and stand by herself, for prolonged periods, but has no interested in walking.

Jaina, on the other hand, loves the concept of walking. She walks with only one hand holding on now, and managed to take her first step yesterday. She’ll only do it towards the couch, and only when she wants to, but it’s hillarious. We finally managed to get it on video today!

Jaina’s first steps

Currently their favorite food is, well, everything. They especially like blueberries though. They’ll eat a flat of them at a meal if I let them.

We’ve been watching the Olympics non stop and I swear that Jaina is trying to do backflips already! She’s hillarious.We’ve banned her from watching diving and gymnastics because she thinks that we should include couch diving as an Olympic sport and I’m tired of her practicing her 3 1/2 reverse.

She also likes to play with mommy’s hat.

Courtesy of Georgetown Cupcake. Yes, the one in D.C. Did you know they ship across the country? Yes. Yes they do. The sticks are just from shipping, don’t pay any attention to those.

We are 100% off of bottles, they drink everything from sippy cups now. We wash a total of three sippies a day (just refill it as needed) and it is miraculous. I almost couldn’t remember what it was like to have the top of the dishwasher mostly empty at night!

Sippy cup babies, oh so cute!


July 4th

The fourth of July was amazing in Monterey, CA. Mostly because there were no fireworks allowed. Yes, I know that makes me sound like a scrooge, but fireworks at 2am from drunken neighbors? No, thank you. Everyone in bed by 730 and us drinking wine while watching A Capitol Fourth on TV? Yes, please.

We made it out to a little town in between Monterey and Salinas called Spreckles in the morning. Got a gorgeous 10k in before the sun got too hot (Even though it was partially on dirt fields which isn’t so much fun with a double jogger). They had an AMAZING park/street vendor/fair going on, complete with food, goodies, and a parade. We didn’t stick around for the parade because what 4 yr old likes to stand still and watch people walk by very slowly? And the babies were well overdue for bottles and a nap. But the rest of it was amazing. Definitely have that in the plans for next year too!

We went to a neighbors pot luck get together and it was a ton of fun. The babies waited patiently while we got the wagon together.

And Aiden pulled them most of the way there. The wagon is the best. thing. ever.

Then we got back and played in the magic kitchen cabinet. You know, the one with all non-breakable items that the babies are allowed to destroy daily. Who knew that tupperware could be so much fun?!

All in all, it was a successful holiday. No one got injured (more than normal), and everyone had a pretty fun day, I think.

T-Minus 4 days…

We had a farewell party for some amazing neighbors last night. The military community is transient enough, but Monterey and NPS are even more so. Everyone rotates every 18-24 months, which is a very quick turn around, even in Navy terms.

As part of it, we had a mini-party for the babies with their first tastes of cake and some awesome lightsaber presents from some awesome friends and neighbors. Enjoy!


As the first year draws to a close…

In case you are thinking about someone with multiples who might need gear, I wanted to share what we could NOT have lived without this last year (other than the obvious… like diapers and wipes)…

First: Our Space Saver swings. Tiny. Portable. And kept the babies happy.

Next: Boppy pillows. Not just for nursing. But also great for propping, photo shoots, and keeping babies happy!

Blankets. Lots of blankets. But make sure they’re big enough for more than one baby 🙂

Bumbo chairs. Great for first meals, for teaching them to sit, and for keeping them from getting stepped on by their big brother.

A stroller that holds all of the infants in the family. It makes your life a lot easier!

Sometimes those come in multiple forms, though, based on the situation!

High chairs. But in our case, specifically, the Ikea high chairs. They wipe down with a lysol wipe. They stack consolidated in the corner. And the legs come off for easy travel. Brilliant!

And lastly, the choo-choo wagon (once they can sit up). If there was anything that could make triplets just THAT much cuter, it would be this.

San Francisco In Brief

So as you can obviously tell, I haven’t been around the computer to post on a regular basis… I wonder what four reasons that would be??

So in lieu of a long story… here’s San Fran in pictures:

Our first day there (following a 10k run that morning) we decided to walk the highest hill in the city. Because it sounded like… fun? The babies were worn out from all that work!










Then it was off to the pier for some lunch and sight seeing.

The hotel we stayed at serves an awesome breakfast in the morning! And they even had three high chairs!

The next day was apparently the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge!

Then on Monday we toured Alcatraz!

And once last trip to the pier before leaving

It was a great three days. I’m glad we added the extra day just to give more time to walking and looking around. It’s not as easy to just grab a trolley when you have two double strollers and four kids!!