March for Babies


Sorry it has taken me so long to post!!

This last Saturday was the March for Babies walk here in Pacific Grove, CA, and it was a blast!

The weather was perfect, tons of people turned out, and it really couldn’t have been a better day. On top of that, there were a total of FOUR (yes, FOUR) sets of triplets there! Hard to believe, right? Thankfully it meant we weren’t the only ones being accosted by total strangers, because they could split their attentions between all of the babies!

So, without further adieu, some pictures from the day:

First good family shot in a while – even Aiden is smiling!

Playing at Lovers Point after the run.

Let’s attack Daddy!

11 month photo – not sure how many more of these we’ll get! Jacen was quite amused by Valerie’s hat.

And now let’s attack Mommy!

Mother’s Day musings

Wow. My 5th mother’s day. Hard to believe. And yet, they keep getting better and better.

You know how some things, the more you do them, the more mundane they become? If you run the same trail 100 times, by the last time you start to not really see what’s around you any more and it becomes just muscle memory. If you drive the same route, you eventually get to the point where you arrive at the destination, and forget having made the right turn or that you had to stop at a red light to get there.

Mother’s day is the complete opposite. The first it’s surreal that you actually get to celebrate it. You find it kind of silly, after all, you’ve only been a mother for maybe a couple months (weeks? days?). The second, you feel a little more deserving. I mean, heck, you survived a whole year. But yet, your child is too small to understand it, or make you a card, or to really celebrate it. Still seems kind of silly.

Dinner out the night before… because 6 people, including 3 highchairs/boosters, is just a bit much to fight the crowds on Mother’s Day proper.

Then they get a bit older. The view changes. You start to realize how much life has changed in the last year. Your now toddler/preschooler might come home from school with a craft they made for you.  Or they don’t, because they didn’t want to (yes, that would be my child who didn’t want to make the bracelet because it wasn’t Mother’s day yet).

And you realize that next year is going to be even better. Because by then, he’ll be able to write his entire name himself. And maybe the craft will be made by him with his own intentions without having to be coerced. Or he’ll still decide not to do it. But either way, it’ll be a choice by a child, not a toddler or an infant.

(Not made by the toddler… This was intricately crafted by a local jeweler, James and Company Jewelry Repair, just for me!)

Aiden picked out his own card this year. It was a beautiful card – pink, with a bouquet of flowers, and it played music. Never mind that it was in Spanish and neither he nor I had any idea what was written or what words were being sung. We tried to talk him into a card that we could read, but I guess in his mind, what’s the difference? He can’t read the English letters either, so why is this card any better or worse than any other? So he got it. And it was beautiful. Even if I don’t have a clue what is written (I’m assuming that in there are the words Happy Mother’s Day, but for all I know it could be a graduation card or a “Congratulations on the New House” card!).

Nevertheless, he had a say in this Mother’s Day celebration. He chose when to open the gift (thanks for choosing the day before, Aiden, you win favorite child for that!). When to open the cards. And maybe next year he’ll pick out the gift himself, and we’ll both be able to read the card, together. Wouldn’t that be something?

Today I’m joining Multiples Monday over at Capri + 3 (You should check out this blog, Theresa’s got a great story!)

multiples monday with capri +3

5/9 – random cuteness

Taking photographs of children can be exhausting (sometimes even more so than raising them is). I honestly don’t know how my photographer friends do it. But, if you take a lot of pictures, which is my method, sometimes you get a gem. And others it’s a bad photo technique-wise, but what it encaptures is such real life that it’s the best photo in the world.

So that said, here’s some daily cuteness for you. And with 4 kids, including 10 month triplets? We have cuteness to spare!

Merry Christmas!

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas. This year was amazing in more ways than three. But the highlight definitely has been a Christmas with the husband, a good big brother helping his littles’ open their presents, and drinking while trying to master the Kinect!

We had two babies sleep through Christmas festivities (Jacen and Valerie), one who woke up at 6AM ready to go for the day (Jaina), and a 4 year old who we had to convince it snowed overnight but already melted in order to get him to put on his penguin pajamas and believe that Santa really did come. Because, if it doesn’t snow, it’s not Christmas. Clearly.

So with that, I’ll leave you with some pictures and a toast to a happy, healthy, wonderful New Year, and many to come…

Happy Holidays!

Maybe next year when he’s 4 he will finally not be afraid of Santa anymore. You know, for a kid that is as excited as anything about a strange man coming into his house at night and leaving presents while he’s sleeping, you’d think he’d be less afraid of him in person! This was as close as we could get him to Santa no matter what we did. Doesn’t help we were holding babies as well, or I might have made him sit on Santa’s lap while crying anyway (like last year… and the one before that)!

Sorry for the delay!

So sorry I’m a few days late, but here are some of the halloween pics!

Unfortunately Aiden has an opinion now. And a very strong one at that. We tried every character from the known Star Wars universe and every one was answered with, “No. I have Ironman powers.” So, alas, we had an Ironman, Yoda, and two Ewoks (Jaina center, Val right).