Attack of the babies

So far tonight: We’ve been mobbed at the dishwasher by three curious babies, they’ve stolen the one pacifier and chased each other down for it, and Val has finally learned how to get out of the sitting position (too bad, I enjoyed putting her somewhere and knowing she was stuck!).

And a few pictures for your viewing pleasure:

The good, the bad, and the ugly…

So I’m always complaining about outings when you have triplets and the attention you gather. I thought I’d share this weeks “good, bad, and ugly,” of having triplets in Monterey!

The Good:

Okay, so we were at the Farmer’s Market. I was loading the kids up and saw the car next to mine had a license plate that read “H <3 Quads.” I thought, “No, couldn’t be!” So, I peaked into the window, and saw four matching carseats. Ding ding ding! We have a winner!
I wrote this note about how I had triplets and it’d be great to meet and as I was putting it on the window, they walked up. We chatted for a while. Too bad, they are actually moving fairly soon. Two seemed identical, two fraternal (but I wasn’t about to ask!).
THEN! the triplet mama we met at the easter bunny pictures a few weeks back walked up with her choo choo wagon!
I love this multiples world…

The Bad:

Ugh, all of the questions about gender, conception, gestation, etc etc…. gets old after a while… I won’t bore you with the same complaints I normally have…

The Ugly:

The lady at the aquarium. We had the double strollers, so the girls were in one and Jace was in the other. I approach as a lady asks Steven, “Are the girls twins?” He replied, “No.” She frowned, said “Too bad,” and walked away. Really? My girls aren’t cute enough to at least smile at unless they’re twins/triplets?? Lol.

That ties with the people who thing it’s twins and an older boy baby. Because it’s humanly possible to carry babies that are only a few months apart. I mean, he’s bigger, but not THAT much bigger….

Jacen’s a big boy!

Jacen has been trying to figure out how to sit up by himself for a few days, but would always get a foot stuck or fall over. All of a sudden today I turn around because he’s laughing at himself and he’s sitting up!

Attack of the babies

Steven thought it would be funny to add all the babies to my lap and see what happens. Lets just say it doesn’t work nearly as well as it used to!

And the big brother has taken a fascination to writing/drawing. His latest exploit? Showing us what not to do. This was his gentle (or not-so-gentle) way of telling us to stop talking.

Other than that, I cannot believe another month is down. Today the babies sat at the table with us for breakfast and ate french toast sticks, gold fish, puffs, and some fruit, and it was just this surreal moment when they didn’t look so much like babies anymore. How did that happen??

9m stats

Jacen: 18lb15oz, 28″, 47cm head
Jaina: 16lb11oz, 26.5″, 43.9cm head
Valerie: 17lb7oz, 28.25″, 44.5cm head

Wow, my babies are growing! They’re ahead of schedule for their adjusted age, and do most of the things on the 9m checklist, so we’re pretty proud of those little guys!

Updates lately: Jacen’s working on getting his teeth on the top to come in. He has discovered how to scoot backwards around the room (slowly). Jaina pulls up to standing with ease now and has started trying to transfer from one piece of furniture to another (Lord, help us!). Valerie still is toothless, but she has a couple that are working their way in. She’s figured out how to army crawl, but only when it’s to steal a bottle or toy from a sibling. Here’s a couple pictures to tide you over :
Costco trip:

Aiden being incognito at the zoo:

There’s a world above 1 foot off the ground…

Perspective. It’s amazing how it changes as we grow older. As a child, becoming Superman is our dream. Then we get older and it becomes a veterinarian, a doctor, a athelete, or even a hot rod mechanic. Whatever it is, something changed our perspective on what was possible in the world.

As a parent, it’s incredible to watch a child have that moment of discovery. Where they realize that all they’ve ever known isn’t the end-all-be-all to the world. For Jaina, that day was today. She realized that there is more to this world than what lies under her hands on the ground, or possibly extends up to about 6 inches. There’s a couch, likely covered with toys (put there in an effort to keep them away from younger grabbing hands). There’s a mirror toy with buttons , but ABOVE THAT there are lights and other buttons. There’s a stroller with a foot rest that may or may not have toys and odds and ends up above. A blanket on a chair. You get the picture.

It’s been discovered that there is a world out there above crawling-head-height, and that it is immensely more interesting than carpet and little rubber blocks (though, those are still fun sometimes too).

I have a feeling the medicine cabinet will need to be filled with bandaids in the near future, that ER trips may become commonplace, and that bumps and bruises may be commented on by friends and neighbors in an effort to ascertain the need of a call to CPS. But without all of that, and this new perspective, how will she ever learn that there’s a whole entire world that exists outside of these four walls, and above standing-head-height?




















Thank goodness that’s the final result so far and nothing further.