Due date party

Well, today is the triplet’s official due date! They’re full-term babies today!

We weighed them on the Wii, so while it’s not very accurate, they are:
Jacen: 7.4 pounds
Jaina: 6.4 pounds
Val: 6 pounds

Can’t believe how big they’re getting!!

They have settled into their new home very well, as has big brother. Some amusing thoughts from unpacking:

~When unpacking we were telling Aiden we couldn’t watch movies yet because the DVD player wasn’t plugged in, so he started looking for a “plugger.”

~As much as the weather here isn’t the best “Cali” weather, it’s wonderful! It’s just a pleasant 70 degrees with afternoon sunbreaks, and we’re quite happy.

~Our house is a bit smaller than I’d like, but it’s great to purge the extra “stuff” we’ve accumulated over the years.

~I don’t know how we would survive without the baby swings! The kids love them, but ONLY if the music is playing. They get very cranky when the music stops.

~We’ve decided that having twins would be easy.

More pics to come soon, but everything’s going great and the kids are growing wonderfully!!

37 weeks

Wow. I have full term babies now! We brought brother and sister to visit yesterday and got new weights on the kiddos:
Jacen 5 lbs 12.9 oz
Jaina 5 lbs 6 oz
Valerie 5 lbs

Crazy isn’t it? 8 weeks ago we got in the car wondering if we’d be meeting our children. 8 weeks ago I entered this hospital for the first time as an inpatient. 8 weeks ago the docs stopped my labor and while I pray no Hunt has to be an inpatient ever again, I am eternally thankful for those 4 weeks and the perfect children I got because of it.

The words “thank you” have a whole new dimension now. You say, “Thank you,”  to the person that holds a door for you, to the person who serves your dinner at a restaurant, or to a person who says “Bless you” when you sneeze. What in the world can express the gratitude for keeping you safe for 4 weeks, for delivering your children safely, and watching over them for another 4 weeks? A plate of cookies? A heartfelt note? Nothing can express my feelings for the nurses and docs on 3 South, L&D, and the NICU.  If you are reading this, know that the triplets will be told about you and the care you gave over these many days, the tears shed together both in celebration and frustration, and how you will all hold a special place in my heart for years to come.




So everyone asks, “How much do they weigh now?” Well, I don’t know. At least not for the ones at home.

Val on the other hand weighs 4 lbs 15.9 oz. Yes, she is 3 grams away from 5 lbs.

No real updates. We’re hoping she’ll be home in the next few days. She still hates the bottle but suffers through when needed.

5 pound club

Well, Jacen officially reached the 5 pound club! His sisters are still a ways behind him, but they’re catching up fast! Way to go big boy!

Jaina is nippling almost all feeds now. Val is still the smart baby waiting for it to just magically appear in her belly 🙂 She’s not a morning person either – you have to unwrap her 15 minutes before its time to eat for there to be any chance of her waking!

2 weeks!




Well, at 2 weeks old we are:
Jacen – 4lbs 10oz, 18.75
Jaina – 4 lbs 5oz, 18
Valerie – 4lbs  3oz, 18

Other than that, we’re enjoying the weather, Mima’s last day here, and a great holiday. Happy 4th to you all!


I tandem fed Jace and Val tonight 🙂 It wasn’t pretty, but we’ll get the hang of it!

Otherwise, they’re chugging along! Jace took 6 bottle/breast feeds in a row before taking a break! The girls are doing good on their every other feeds and will hopefully move to 2 bottle/ 1 tube feed soon! No idea on homecoming yet, but we’re getting closer!


Well, the girls have indoctrinated me. They wanted to make sure that I don’t forget them when I go home, I think.

Last night, I got projectile poop all over from Val. This morning Jaina projectile vomited. Awesome. 🙂

They’re doing great though! They are on full feeds, and nipping “on cue” which means they can have a bottle if they are awake and showing signs. The girls are a little sleepier, but they’re getting there. Jacen is a champ, just like his brother!

We tried nursing for the first time today! Jacen is a champ at this as well, and Val did great too! Jaina slept through it so we’ll try her again later. Edit to add: all three nursed their bedtime feed!

They are all also getting ready to come to open air cribs maybe tomorrow! We’ll hopefully get them all in one soon, but they might be in separate for a few days to make sure they don’t have reflux issues. Such big steps for such little babies!