Day 1 (on the road)

Well, one day down! We have survived a long one to get *almost* to the border of California. Not sure if it’s irony or just coincidence, but we drove on the interstate parallel to Route 66 today, passed a Mack truck while driving a mini van, and got lost on a turnaround (to which I replied to Aiden, “We’re not lost! I using the GPS!” when asked). All while watching “Cars.”

I wish I could say this was day 1 of travel entirely, but we started hotel living 8 days ago now. Yes, it was WAY better than living amid boxes in a cramped space, but definitely not ideal. It could have been worse though! Glad to be on the way to the Northeast and our eventual home for the Navy-has-yet-to-determine-length-of-time.



Miles traveled today: 496


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