3 years ago…

It’s been just over three years since the fateful u/s, the 3 year old boy proudly counting his three new babies on the screen.

Three years from tearful phone calls and frantic attempts to get the news to a husband on patrol

Three years since I learned about these previous miracles who would grace our lives, having prayed for one, joked that two would be an amazing thing, and shocked that the doctor wasn’t playing when he said “triple the surprise.”

Such a crazy roller coaster ride we climbed on that day, and I hope we never have to get off.



Eager anticipation

Christmas sure is a miraculous thing when you have small children in the house. Aiden is finally at that age where he still believes that a jolly old man in a big red suit can actually come down a chimney (thank goodness we have one!), but yet not so old to not enjoy the little moments like cookie decorating or a Charlie Brown Christmas.


Round one of two rounds of cookies. Because, really, one round is never enough.


Icing tastes just as good straight from the bag as it does on a cookie!



Round two of cookies. The triplets still don’t really “get” what’s coming up, but they are loving the festivities. Cookies abound, and they are happy icing covered children because of it.


Disclaimer: We did not share these cookies with anyone else. Even I won’t eat the cookies that they decorated for themselves.


The blue icing was entirely his after this.


Yum, three layers of icing on one cookie!


At least we have one semi-neat child! 


Note to self: Copy this idea next year and decorate before sweeping/mopping. Or at least pretend that your floor was purposely left dirty because you knew cookie day was coming up. Length of time does not need to be specified.

So that brings us to Christmas Eve. These little guys have no idea what’s coming tomorrow, and I cannot wait to see their faces when they realize the presents under the tree are for them, from the people who love them near and far, and that pajamas all day is perfectly acceptable!!


All dressed up with somewhere wonderful to go. Yay for childrens’ church services where ours weren’t the loudest by far (and were actually behaving quite acceptably… either they’ve figured it out or we finally bored them into submission haha)


And our tradition of a new movie, popcorn, and pizza on Christmas Eve continues. Some quiet family time before the craziness of the holiday itself begins.

We remember, as we celebrate this holy day, this holiday, that while presents and stockings and lights under the tree are wonderful, family is the real thing to celebrate. These four little people who we are so blessed to share a home, to raise, to nurture, and sometimes to annoy, and the love in our home.

Happy Christmas, from our family to yours. No matter why you celebrate, or if you celebrate at all, remember the love between families this day and year round.

11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Luke 2:11-14

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Christmas is magical. It is pure. It is holy. It is absolutely divine.


We had four little helpers this year. Sure, it’s not a Pinterest-worthy tree, and there are only maybe 1/4 of the ornaments that we normally would put on it hanging from the branches… but they did it. The elves may have spaced some ornaments out later that night (“Look mommy! I put three in a row!” And by in a row, he meant on the same branch), but they did it.



And Christmas pajamas. Is there anything cuter than Christmas pajamas??



Yes there is. Christmas dresses. (Aiden bargained that he’d be nice at the Santa breakfast if he didn’t have to wear his dress shirt. Pick your battles).


So yeah. And we even have snow here in the beautiful northeast. Snow, lights, presents under the tree… stockings are hung… it is a bit commercialized, but they’re also old enough to talk about Jesus’s birthday, and Mary and the angels, and it really couldn’t get much better than this.




Summary of nap time

So in an attempted nap today, the girls decided they didn’t like the pants they had on. So they dumped a drawer full of clothes, and found their Star Wars skirts. And proceeded to put them on. Mostly successful, though one was inside out.

And then they fell asleep on the floor. Who needs a perfectly good bed anyways?

Ahh life with multiples..


Pictures finally!

Without further adieu, Thanksgiving pictures. Mima was here visiting with us and it was a wonderful holiday meal with good family, delicious food, and excellent wine 🙂 (side note: I try not to post photos of anyone other than the kids and hubby and I)










Marine Corps Marathon – The Completion

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for your support for us, for your thoughts and well-wishes for the marathon, and for your support for the Fisher House.

Marine Corps Marathon is like no other. Called “The People’s Marathon,” there are no elites – no racers getting paid to be there. It is entirely entered by runners wanting to challenge themselves for the sake of the race.

It was cold. Very very cold. But I’d prefer that to rain/wind/snow/heat, so I’ll take it!


The race was honestly the best I’ve ever seen/run. It felt like there were just as many spectators on the course as there were runners (and there were a LOT of runners).


And the best part of going in with no real time goal except for to beat the bus? You can be one of “those” people who stop and take pictures. Because, well, why not?!



We were even able to meet up with some amazing friends from our last boat (the Navy really is a small world.. or it at least makes the world feel smaller), and it was wonderful to meet their baby girl! She was even sweet enough to take a pic for us!



And the best part of any race? The bling. And this is by far one of the coolest medals I’ve ever gotten (with the only exception being the Salinas Valley Half Marathon’s… it’s a wine bottle cork, what’s cooler than that?!)


In the end, we charged D.C., “beat the bridge” (didn’t get picked up by the slow runner buses), and conquered the last hill at the Iwo Jima memorial.

Thank you, Congress, for doing your job and reopening government so that the race wasn’t cancelled! And THANK YOU to Team Fisher House for your support, the awesome race goodies, the crowds cheering us on, and the food tent at the end.




The things you find

It is truly almost like Christmas. You unwrap way too many toys, some of which you wonder why you even bought it in the first place, you find things you forgot you had, and your kids are ecstatic over items once long forgotten.

You also find those rare gems. Memory trinkets, movie stubs, things that make you go, “I remember that day!”

One of such things is this:

My menu from the last week of detest at Madigan!

I have to say, the food was good. Not only was it not bad, it was actually good. The French toast with strawberries (hush, that was a special treat you weren’t supposed to know about), muffins, cookies, and various lunch/dinners made the 28 days much more bearable.

Those were the days…

Travel in summary

So a few last thoughts.

Miles traveled: 3383

State license plates seen: All 50 (first trip with all of them legitimately!)

Days in hotels: 8 in Monterey, 4 hotels on road, 3 nights in families’ houses, 1 last night here in town.

Needless to say, the kids were very happy to see their bed stuffs!


New house: awesome.

It’s a very strange thing to have boxes coming off a truck labeled “babies” and “boys” rooms, and unload into “boys” and “girls” rooms.


We cannot wait to get settled in, and make it “ours” but it’s amazing to be in a house for at least a little while. Let’s hope for follow-on orders here so we can stay!