Day 8: finally home

We survived. It was a great morning with a bit of a late start due to a real breakfast, and then we headed east. We made it to a friend’s house for a (much too) short stop. They were Navy friends by happy accident and third party connections, but one of those families that you could see yourself being lifelong friends and neighbors with. It was wonderful, and had been too long since last meeting.

Then we hit the road. We knew the movers were hoping to arrive the next day, so we had to push through in one day instead of taking two.


The gps didn’t like some of the roads we were on and I’m pretty sure tried to stage a coup at one point.

We made great time though. Had two delays for bad traffic but not terrible by any means.

And finally, we were home. We got the keys for the house, did a walk through, and drove away excited to see it in the light of day the following day.


It was a late night, but we found an awesome suite to crash in and settled in for hopefully our last hotel stay for a while!

Miles traveled: 513 miles
States traveled: PA, NJ, NY, CT, RI

Day 7

On the road again….

So we left Tiffin and stopped through our old home where we moved as newlyweds.

It was strange to see it again and walk through (we still own and have amazing property managers).

Then into Pittsburgh for some R&R at Steven’s aunt’s house. It was fun- we got a group of cousins together who hadn’t been in, about, 5 years! We actually realized the last time one cousin held Aiden, he was exactly the same age as their baby is now (9 months).

Best part? That aunt was a MoM of triplets too! I’m sure it was surreal to have triple tornadoes running through the house again.



Miles traveled: 213 miles
States traveled: Ohio & Pennsylvania (slackers…)

Day 6

Miles traveled: ZERO

Best. Rest. Day. Ever.


The last picture we have of him under this tree he was 8 months old.




We went out to a dear friend’s farm and saw chickens, cows, and dogs (Jacen’s favorite) but those pictures are on the camera. I’ll upload them when I have a computer again!

Day 5


Sorry for delays, little cell service in Tiffin, OH 😉

The Air Force Base we stayed at had an amazing TLF. The babies got some practice on stairs which will be helpful in the new house.

We made it safely from St. Louis to Tiffin. The babies were very happy to get out of the car! We had Grandnan, and one of our aunts and a cousin there too! The boys had a blast playing and the babies loved that there was a higher than 1:1 ratio


Then we finally got Chick Fil A for the first time this trip. We had passed several but couldn’t rationalize the time for a stop. This one fell perfectly at a lunch break, and it wasn’t even a Sunday!

Miles traveled: 475
States travelled: MIssouri, Indiana, Ohio

Day 4


First highlight to note: we crossed 2000 miles today…

Today started off great- we awoke by the sun rather than by children!

Got on the road to spend yet another day on I-40… Thankfully it wasn’t the WHOLE day today (just 90% of it!)


A good friend lived off the route but unfortunately we couldn’t add that extra time in today 🙁 thankful for life long military friends who understand!


Made great time, avoided rush hour, and got to an awesome hotel (even if another pipe burst I’d be okay with it. Lol). It was definitely a venti-with-an-extra-shot kid of day though.

Walked to dinner (nice excursion, though I’d forgotten about humidity!), and then back.

Miles traveled: 530 miles
States traveled: Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois

Day 3

Today has been… interesting (to say the least).

We got up this morning. Let me back up. Steven got up this morning, hearing running water. He assumed it was the neighbors, or maybe a sink got left on… something normal. Instead we found a spray from the sink and a flood in the bathroom that grew by the second.


(carpet shouldn’t be reflective…)

Remember, the babies sleep on the floor in their cool sleeping mats.


We waited until the last minute, woke them up, and pulled them from that bedroom to the living room to watch cartoons. The lodging people came to fix it quickly, and other than that little incident the stay was actually really nice!


And, on the bright side, cool wet vacs are awesome to 2 year olds!

Then, we got on the road. Grabbed gas from base first, and DUNKIN DONUTS!! Seriously. 3 years since we’ve had that amazingness. How did we survive?!

And then we drove. And drove. Left New Mexico, crossed Texas (thankfully it was less than a day this time as opposed to my last drive through there which took 3 days), and entered Oklahoma!

Needless to say, the fun didn’t end with a broken pipe. Let’s just say that GPS and Oklahoma City are not friends. At all. First, it took us on a weird offramp where people are stopped and look like they’ll drive straight into you and you can’t figure out if you’re going the wrong way or just need to cross the road or what. Then the address we had plugged in for the lodge took us to a not-so-city like area, with run down houses, lots of broken down cars, and some not-so-friendly looking people. Back to the interstate we went, and we finally found our friends.

That’s right – friends! Thanks to the good ole’ Navy, we have friends in the middle of Oklahoma! Seriously. It was incredible to meet up with them, and rejuvenated the spirit like nothing else could. Their daughter babysat Aiden when he was little, and the last time we saw them I was giantly pregnant and about to deliver babies.

Then to the lodge. I have to say – not as impressed. But as long as a pipe doesn’t burst I’ll survive the night 😉

Restaurants I’d forgotten I’d missed (in no particular order): Steak N Shake, Chick Fil A, Dunkin Donuts, McAlister’s Deli… (to be continued)

Miles Traveled: 516
States Traveled: New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma

Day 2

One more day down! Highlights of the day…


We passed 4 national parks/monuments that we couldn’t go to (thankfully they weren’t on the agenda or I’d be more upset).

But the best part? Crossing into our third state of the trip, a new time zone, and realizing how awesome the Air Force is in taking care of its’ families. Our TLF (temporary living facility) is a 3 bdrm house bigger than ours in CA was, for $63/night (making it cheaper too). There’s a minimart 24/7 with more alcohol than even a parent of multiples needs. And running paths as far as the eye can see. 😉

Miles traveled: 536
States traveled: CA, AZ, NM

Day 1 (on the road)

Well, one day down! We have survived a long one to get *almost* to the border of California. Not sure if it’s irony or just coincidence, but we drove on the interstate parallel to Route 66 today, passed a Mack truck while driving a mini van, and got lost on a turnaround (to which I replied to Aiden, “We’re not lost! I using the GPS!” when asked). All while watching “Cars.”

I wish I could say this was day 1 of travel entirely, but we started hotel living 8 days ago now. Yes, it was WAY better than living amid boxes in a cramped space, but definitely not ideal. It could have been worse though! Glad to be on the way to the Northeast and our eventual home for the Navy-has-yet-to-determine-length-of-time.



Miles traveled today: 496


Fall is here!

This will probably be one of the last posts (with pictures) before our move. Hard to believe it’s coming up so quickly! In honor of 1) Homeschooling and 2) Fall, we went apple picking yesterday. The biggest benefit of homeschooling is that we can take things we love (apples, sunshine, and fall) and celebrate them in the middle of a week-day when the farm is relatively calm. “Field Trips” for the win!

The kids did this last year in Pre-K, but the babies stayed in their wagon as they weren’t up for all the walking yet, and so it was a much different experience this year. Aka: It was awesome.

Hand holding, brother helping, pure awesomeness.

















As happens so often, we leave a place right as we’re starting to get used to it. And we always find one or two last things that we hadn’t managed to get around to while in that place, that we say “Man, why didn’t we do this more while we were here?!”

Beach bonfires are definitely on that list. Granted, I’m not sure we would have enjoyed them a month ago, much less a year ago. The kids are finally self sufficient enough that we can let them run and play on the beach and since it was so big there was no fear of them making it to the water. It was great to hang out with a couple of friends that are also leaving this quarter.

They fully enjoyed running and having freedom. There was a huge set of stairs to get down to the beach and we realized… these kids haven’t really ever done stairs by themselves (not more than one or two, anyways). That’s definitely going to be a learning point when (if) we move into a 2 story house!


We made Davey Crockett bars for the party. Essentially, they are yummy chocolate chip oatmeal cookie goodiness, but when you’re trying to clean out a panty you have to make do. So white chocolate and cherry morsels it was! They actually ended up surprisingly good even with that change, but a little sweeter than normal. Jacen didn’t mind though…



Aiden was enjoying showing the babies around and exploring. They found a cool drain pipe that we were glad wasn’t ground level or we were sure they might have crawled away in it.


The girls decided to play chase. Unfortunately they didn’t want to take the picture the way I wanted, but it worked!


Mountain climbing was also a favorite activity. Turns out that when the mountain is a sand dune, though, it’s not as easy to climb you’d think.


And Aiden practiced his snow angels for when we move. Sand, snow, same thing!


As much fun as it was, I’m glad that we didn’t try it a while ago or we probably wouldn’t have had such a fond memory. They avoided the fire, listened (fairly) well, and had a lot of fun. We were sandy and tired out after and they were asleep before we made it out of the parking lot. Fond memories of Monterey!