Quick photo update


I got the saddest email the other day. It was titled:

“Your 23-month old toddler”

Um, didn’t they get the memo? I won’t let them turn two. Not happening.

So in honor of them staying 23 months forever (it’s kinda like turning 29 for an indefinite amount of time), I figured I should update you with some of the latest pictures:

First, the benefit to having three littles who don’t know that chores aren’t that much fun yet? They scrub your walls for you.


The next ones are from a kid zone at a race that we went to. They had a blast! Aiden played too, but wasn’t as photo-cooperative.

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And that’s all for now. Coming up? 2 years since I stepped foot in Madigan Army Medical Center, a soon-to-be-two update, fundraising updates for Team Fisher house, and end of the year pics for Aiden!


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